Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One day three boys called Josh Henry and Matthew halford. The three boys were all very sporty and were alike. They all loved to have fun and party. “Tonights going to be awesome,” Matt said enthusiastically, that's because tonight they were sleeping over at Joshs. “We've got popcorn,fizze and were getting meat lover pizza,” Josh said. At five o'clock Josh opened the door and in charged Matt. About five minutes later in comes Hen “the party is officially started,” screamed Hen. After two hours of partying things got spooky.    The door started to open and close the windows locks came of to make it worse there was thunder lightning and rain. Then a dark green face appeared and all of the boys saw it. The three boys started to float “No were getting dragged away and the pizza isn't coming noooooo,” Matt said sadly. “Who cares about the pizza we are getting dragged into the storm,” Hen yelled. The three boys were flying straight into a humongous tornado. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,” the boys screamed as they flew into the tornado in the tornado was that horrible green face,it was stearing right at the boys now it was getting really creepy. Then the boys saw the body of the green skeleton face what was happening. The body was misty and looked like the skeleton was moving towards them. “The body and the face this time is moving towards us what are we going to do,”. “My name is brodie I am the misty skeleton now you must defeat me,”. The boys pulled out of their pockets a 50 cent mix a 2 dollar coin and a little soccer ball. First Matt threw the lollies and Brodie just ate them. So Henry threw the two dollars and Brodie just caught it. Then Josh threw the mini soccer ball and Brodie the soccer loving skeleton ran after it and he pulled a lever and the boys went back to Joshs place and it was back to normal “we saw a green skeleton right ,” said Matt “We did,”said Josh and Hen. “The time must of frozen because its still 7.30 that's awfully spooky,” said Josh. Then another weird thing happened all of the rugby and soccer balls in hastings came flying through the walls at top speed and whacked the boys in the face. When the boys got up they all were in a dungeon with sports gear all over them and they had a mind of their own. The gear grew arms and started punching the boys. The boys kicked into action Matthew grabbed a f50 sport boot and kicked the rugby balls away,well Matt was doing that Hen was ripping the sport clothes. Josh put on some nike soccer boots and kicked the soccer balls away the boys were fighting evil sports gear well having fun. Then a rugby ball bit Matt he screamed as loud as a girly girl like usual. So Matt bit it back and the ball just went flat it looked like a dog had been chewing on it for a week but Matt has teeth as sharp as a tiger. Matt thought that bitting all the balls would get the boys free so Matt bit away and soon enough all of the balls were deflated. The room was empty except for the three boys all on their own. But the room they were in wasn't Joshs house it was a evil lair “oh no,” Said Hen worriedly. Then a evil little midget scientist walked into the room. He waved his hands in front of a golden ball and turned toward the ball and then lightning headed straight for the boys. The lightning just missed the boys and when it hit the wall the hole room exploded. The boys went threw a little purple spiral and when they were in the spiral they saw welcome to purple spiral where everything is purple written in purple. The boys saw a purple tiger and a purple lion having a little rumble. They also saw a purple chicken getting chased by a purple ferret “Poor little purple chicken,” said Matt sadly “Even I feel sorry for the chicken,” Said Josh. Then they reappeared at Josh's house but this time it was morning and Matt and Hen were at their own home. So everything was back to normal in the small town of Hastings where everything wasn't purple. The town wasn't controlled by sports gear or have green soccer loving skeletons that live in tornados. That is because Hastings is normal.
The end            

Monday, August 13, 2012

Olympic Poem.

This is my Olympic poem.

World records braking,
Races can be heartbreaking.

Head in the game,
dont think about the fame.

Gold medal awaits,
BMXs in the starting gates.

Crowds cheering,
High jumpers clearing.

Javelin throws,
rowers start to row.

Sweat dripping,
Gymnast flipping.

Footballers scoring,
Cyclist falling.

Usain Bolt smashing,
Boxers bashing.

All in London 2012.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Anthem.

For our Homework we had to make up a national anthem for our made up country.
This is my National anthem.

Oh Jozil oh Jozil we will stand tall and strong. We we will fight for our land. Oh Jozil Oh Jozil we will never fail. We are the legends of the world. We will never put anyone in harm. If there is a crime the punishment will be something that no one will want to witness. Oh Jozil oh Jozil we are so perfect.
Oh Jozil
Oh Jozil we work through it all  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A lonely robot

                                                 A lonely robot
As the gates creek open I think to myself should I go inside?. It looks dull and creepy i'm a little bit scared. I think long and hard. Ok im going in as I move forward slowly into the building the gates close behind me. Then the gates lock their self. It is pitch black I can't see a thing. A ray of light shines around the room. “I can see again,” I say excitedly. Three doors are right in front of me. I don't know what one to open. I open the middle one and I see lots of machines working away. So I decide to go inside the door on the left. Inside the door in the left and I see a scientist. He just stares at me then he chases me around. I run as fast as I can I sprint out the door slamming it behind me. So I go into the third and final door. I see some shiny new upgraded robots. “Hi are you robots to?,” I ask. “Yes me and Clank are robots with feelings,”. “I am clang and this is clank,” said clang. “Hi i'm rusty,”. “Rusty how about we take you for a upgrade,”. So the two robots take me to the upgrade room. They put me into this big glass case. Then they told me to close my eyes and I will be upgraded. Guess what they were right. When they showed me what I looked like. I was shiny and hansom. “How about from now on we call you slick,” said clank. So from now on I was called slick. Then someone who looked very familiar came into the room. Then they gave me a big sloppy kiss. Then I realized that it was my mum. In the small factory with crazy scientist me,clang.Clank and Clang built a shiny new house for our families shiny look.  In the small factory with crazy scientist me,clang,clank and my mum lived happily ever after.
The end.