Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Night time Mayehm

“Go to sleep Josh,” says my mum she doesn't sound very happy at all. When she leaves the room I hop out of bed and grab a guinness world record book. “Ahhhh this is the life relaxing when you're meant to be asleep,”. After reading for about an Hour I hear my mum coming towards my room. I quickly sprint to put my book away run back and jump into bed. As I close my eyes and curl up. Mum must be checking if I’m asleep. I hope I can trick her. Creeeek I hear my door close yay I did it she fell for it. I turn the radio on really quiet and lie back down. Then my favourite song comes on I try to stop myself from signing. “Why does your song have to be so catchy Ollie murs,” I say to myself. I just turn of the radio now my night is going to be boring. Then I start to sing “Troublemaker,”  “no stop singing,” I say very angrily. I hear footsteps coming up the hallway oh no I think to myself. I close my eyes and curl up. But I hear the person say “United Manchester united,”.Then I realise that Manchester united have just won a game of soccer and that the person is not mum it is daniel what a relief. “Hey Daniel” I say “hey shrimp,” he replies. We have a great conversation about soccer. Daniels voice starts to disappear what.Then I realise Daniel has fallen asleep. He must of been very tired. Wait that means I have to go to sleep or I could sit here and be bored I know what I will do I think to myself. As I crept out of my room and walk down the hallway. Carefully I walk into the kitchen and got a nice cold drink of water. As I make my way back to my room  I see my mum walk out of her room I take a giant leap and go crashing into the bathroom. Peeping through the door I see my mum walk straight past me. Being as stealth as I possibly could I crawl back into my room. I throw myself onto my bed and start to doze off what a night this has been.