Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Living in the fast lane

Living in the Fast Lane
By Josh little -Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I had always liked to live in the "fast lane." I drove fast, ate fast, walked fast, and talked fast. Never thinking I would ever slow down. Old people that slowed me down made me extremely mad. They walked slow, ate slow, and drove slow I would get so upset! My teachers, friends, and family always told me that I needed to learn to slow down and enjoy life because one day, I too, would be old. "Yeah right," I thought, nothing's going to slow me down.

Then, one day I was driving fast and almost ran into a little old lady. She had little beady eyes that stared deep into my eyes she just gave me the chills. I beeped my horn for her to get out of my way, but she slowly moved around the side of my car to my open driver's window. Softly and slowly she spoke these words, "You must learn to watch as you go and learn to take things slow because you never, never know how quickly you might grow." I thought she was just a crazy old lady. I hurried off, screeching my tyres as I drove away.

Forgetting about what she said, I went to bed that night planning what adventures I'd do the next day. But, the next morning I woke up and could hardly move then I looked in the mirror and to my horror, staring back was an old, old man. What had happened? What was going on? Who was this person starring back at me? Then, I thought about what the little old lady had said.

I felt my wrinkly old arms and cheeks they felt like they had been in the water for days. I went to run and splash water on my face but I could not run! I was going at the pace of a sloth. This was horrible I was never going to be old I had planed out my life. In my mind I saw the old lady steering at me with those little beedy eyes. I waddled I held the railing of the stairs and ran as fast as I could, it may sound as if I was going fast but no I was not I would have been slower then a snail. I eventually made it down the stairs I grabbed a bowl to put my cereal in but I was shaking so much I dropped it and it smashed on the ground. "Oh forget it," I said to myself as I was leaving for work. I went to put on my shoes as I looked down I saw moldy old green toenails but the worst part was in the years that I missed my toenails did not stop growing. "Man, I do not want to cut those toenails."

I hopped in the car put the key in and drove. I was trying to go extremely fast but I just could not I was very slow. Horns were tooting everywhere it turns out that they were tooting at me but what for. I was driving a long and came to a set of lights they were green so went on through but halfway through they turned orange and then red! Cars swerved around tooting their horns and doing other stuff I probably should not tell you about. I did a dumb thing and decided to just keep driving sometimes old people must have no clue. After about ten close calls I made it out of those light my work was by those lights so I didn't have to drive much longer.

I pulled into the car park and got out of the car. I walked into my work and stood behind the counter. I worked at rebel sports so it can be extremely busy. My first costumer walked up with a pair of soccer boots. He said hello and put them on the counter. I picked up the shoes and went to scan them but I kept on dropping them. My boss walked up and said, " You look a bit tired how about I take you home". Before I had a chance to answer he grabbed my arm and started to walk. He was walking so fast I was nearly getting dragged a long the ground. He put me in a car and drove I had to hold on he was going incredible fast well I think he was going fast but whom knows. I got home and laid down on the couch.

Why did I have to drive fast I thought to myself why? I laid there thinking about those words and the beady eyes. Wait I know what to do I said sprinting as fast as I could, while I was running I was sure that I saw a tortoise passing bye but my eye sight might not be the best. After a while of thinking I made a decision I was going to do it. I stood on the road and a speeding car came right at me I closed my eyes. I waited for the impact but then what I wanted to happen happened. The car stopped I walked up to the drive and said , "You must learn to watch as you go and learn to take things slow because you never, never know how quickly you might grow." The driver speed of, I rushed into my house and hopped on the couch and dozed off.

I woke up the next morning I got up and walked to the kitchen wait I was walking at a fast pace I was me again. Now that I had learnt my lesson I decided to make a promise to myself. It was to take things slow, but not too slow otherwise my life would be boring. On my way to work I met a old man in his car parked in the middle of a set of lights I drove past him and waved, I think that it might of made his day. I hopped out of the car and walked into work my boss was not there yet so I waited. My boss walked in and he looked very old. I think that I know who was driving that speeding car.